HomeNewsd&a – Act for peace

d&a – Act for peace

Like every week, we are happy to share with you some little things that matter to our great planet.

The great world wars ended years ago; youngsters are not sent off to the front as carnage like they were in the past... today the are sent to school to learn, to gain awareness on essential human rights and to protect the world around them. Today, there are other challenges to be faced, such as, climate change, illegalities and even the plastic waste in our oceans, all which should be overcome together collectively by all.

This is why, we declare d&a space of peace, free of fears and anxieties, without despair, a space where we can share what makes us authentic and where the only great goal to achieve is LOVE, love towards our planet an love towards those who live in it, be it humans or not.

And to gain in this mental peace, we rely on information that helps us understand that Green design is cool. However, this design has to meet certain standards to have a genuine positive impact on the planet.

Swisstainable makes a real difference. Carbon neutral is one of those concepts that has become a myth and in d&a, we try from very beginning in engineering all the way through the production to mitigate imprint, convinced as we are that the only footprint to be left is the one of our feet on the sand.

On the International Day of Peace, this 21 September, d&a declared itself a territory of peace and we would like to invite you all to explore it. By the way, next September 24th is World Oceans Day. If you see a plastic bottle in the sea, it's a clear message: pick it up!

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Patricia Velásquez

On the occasion If there someone who can make us proud and inspire us, it is Wayuu princess, Patricia Velásquez, for her, for her sustainable and fruitful work with the indigenous communities of Latin America through the Fundation Wayuu Taya but also as an ambassador of peace, recently visiting Ukraine to collaborate with refugees. 

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Snow Peace Bomb

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